DLCDA Receives Grant for Small Business Industrial Site
June 27, 2020
Christopher Nunn, Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, announced that the Dublin-Laurens County Development Authority was awarded $500,000 from the OneGeorgia Authority Equity Fund. These funds will be used to develop an Entrepreneur and Small Business Industrial Park. The OneGeorgia Authority was created utilizing one-third of the State of Georgia’s tobacco settlement to assist the state’s most economically challenged areas.
“This innovative development is an exciting addition to Dublin-Laurens County,” Commissioner Nunn said. “OneGeorgia is proud to support the outstanding leadership in this community and their commitment to continued economic growth.”
The new Industrial Park will be located on the US Highway 441 bypass, between Honeysuckle and Firetower Roads in Dublin. The construction of an access road will increase access to the entire 60-acre parcel. A water line, fire hydrants and a sewer line will also be constructed. Combined, the infrastructure improvements will increase the marketability of the property.
“I, along with many of the members of the Development Authority, are small business owners,” stated Guy Cochran, chair of the Board of Directors of the Dublin-Laurens County Development Authority. “We understand the challenges of starting and building a business from the ground up. For many would-be entrepreneurs, development costs can create a barrier for growth. By working with the OneGeorgia Authority, the DLCDA, with this park, will be able to facilitate growth opportunities for small businesses desiring to locate in Laurens County.”
Small businesses form the backbone of the economy across Georgia. According to the Georgia Department of Economic Development, 75 percent of Georgia employers have 10 or fewer employees.
“On behalf of the DLCDA, a tremendous thanks to all of our partners involved in the project,’ remarked Cochran. “A special thanks to Governor Kemp and the OneGeorgia Authority Board, Senator Larry Walker, Representative Matt Hatchett, Mayor Best and the City of Dublin and Chairwoman Chain and Laurens County. To be successful, economic development entities have to have a strong united team, and Dublin-Laurens County has one of the strongest teams in the state!”
About the Georgia Department of Community Affairs
The Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) partners with communities to build strong and vibrant neighborhoods, commercial and industrial areas through community and economic development, local government assistance, and safe and affordable housing. Using state and federal resources, DCA helps communities spur private job creation, implement planning, develop downtowns, generate affordable housing solutions and promote volunteerism. DCA also helps qualified Georgians with low and moderate incomes buy homes, rent housing and prevent foreclosure and homelessness. For more information, visit www.dca.ga.gov.
About Dublin-Laurens County Development Authority
The Dublin-Laurens County Development Authority is responsible for attracting new industry and encouraging the expansion of existing industry throughout Laurens County. Between Laurens County's location in the Business Heart of Georgia, passionate people, and a refreshing lifestyle, the "Three L's" (location, leadership, and livability) create the ideal environment for growing companies.
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